How do you spend your CapEx?

create a sound Capex strategy

Our consultancy practice can lead you through the process to improve the quality of your built environment with minimal impact to your CapEx budgets. Our strategic and evidence-based approach leads to a catered environment for your residents. We begin with a pointed focus on Wellness and a holistic assessment of the environment. Below are a few of the aspects we can help investigate.

1. Lighting

Disruption or desynchronization of the circadian rhythm has been linked with obesity, diabetes, depression and metabolic disorders.  Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells link directly to the circadian rhythm.  Access to morning sunlight is critically important to overall health and wellness.   

Artificial lighting strategies that include illuminating the ceilings and walls are most effective to reduce glare, strain, and fatigue.  Color temperature and brightness can be adjusted to support mood and productivity. 

2. Water

Nearly two-thirds of the human body is composed of waterAvailability and appearance of clean water impact the rate of hydration of building usersProper filtration, maintenance programs, and infrastructure design can reduce the health risk from contaminated water.    

3. thermal comfort

Thermal comfort greatly influences our experiences and is one of the highest contributing factors in influencing overall human satisfaction in buildings.   Thermal Comfort impacts individual levels of motivation, alertness, focus, and mood.   

Improved HVAC Systems with movement, temperature zoning, and humidity control influence the endocrine and respiratory system. 

4. materials

Designing for holistic wellness with appropriate building materials aims to reduce human exposure to chemicals that may impact health and wellbeing by using materials and products with low VOCs and toxic compounds and with ingredient disclosures and low-hazard cleaning practices.   

Material authenticity relates the natural aspects of a material’s appearance and perception to the utilization of that material in the design intervention to reduce cognitive noise and send clear messaging to residents. 


5. Community – Mind and Movement  

The built environment should provide an opportunity to support access to essential healthcare, build a culture of health that accommodates diverse population needs, and establish an inclusive, engaged community.   

Through biophilic design, respite spaces, and mental health education the residents can engage in thoughtful therapies and intentional programming through movement and gathering.   

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